Human Resources Development Report

Enhancing Employees’ Skills

We actively implemented the Company’s “Broadband China • Fibre Cities” strategic plan. Focusing on building the capacity of our Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) installation and maintenance teams, we conducted 18 optical access network installation and maintenance “train the trainer” courses for more than 910 in-house instructors. We also provided online “FTTH technology and application” study courses through China Telecom E-University. We started certification for FTTH network construction staff and linked the outsourcing company qualification to the number of qualified construction staff in their qualification management. We set up a 172-member certification development team and provincial in-house instructor teams, and organised instructors to develop certification standards and training materials. As at the end of 2011, the FTTH construction, installation and maintenance certification system had been basically established, and curriculum development and in-house instructor training were largely in place.

Focusing on enhancing the selling and maintenance skills for our frontline employees, we organised and conducted skills certification for five types of positions, namely network maintenance, government and enterprises, “Best Tone”, wireless network optimisation and VIP customer service, involving 14 job benchmarks. A total of 35,338 employees in 39 batches participated in the certification examinations. The training, certifications and skill competition were combined together to form synergic linkage effects. We organised about 20,000 “10000” call service officers and 10,000 VIP customer service managers to participate in trainings as well as competitions. In addition, 8,522 employees attended the VIP customer manager (Grade 4) certification theory examination. There were also competitions combining installation and maintenance with access network maintenance skills. We developed a series of training courses, which provided training to more than 70,000 employees.

As at the end of 2011, the Company had 628 senior technical experts, 4,900 technical experts and 33,993 senior technicians. 12 of them were awarded the title of “National Technical Master of China”, 81 people were honoured as “Technical Master of China’s State-owned Enterprises”, and 127 people awarded the title of “Technical Master of China Telecom”.

Remuneration and Performance Management

The salary of the Company’s employees comprises the base salary and performance-based salary, taking into account both short and medium-to-long term incentives. The Company adheres to the principle that input in respect of personnel costs must be consistent with efficient growth of financial performance. By continually updating and optimising our method of allocating personnel costs, we encourage our branches to achieve cost-effective scale development. We explicitly require our branches’ salary distribution to tilt towards frontline employees and linking it to employees’ job performance to stimulate their work enthusiasm for work. The Company’s performance evaluation system, based on key performance indicators (KPI), is improving over time. With our corporate strategy as the starting point, the various performance targets are clear and specific and have been broken-down and applied to each and every level of the Company to ensure that they apply to individuals and all levels of the Company. Performance evaluation achieves synergy when combined with employee selection, education, appointment and retention, forming a complete performance management system so that employees’ personal development aligns with the Company’s development. According to the principles of “objective, fair, democratic, open, and result-oriented”, the Company conducts open recruitment and competitions for job vacancies. It has built-up post-centred management with flexible promotions and demotions, and flexible recruitment and dismissal for the scientific and rational allocation of human resources.

Guaranteeing Employee Welfare

The Company strictly abides by the laws and regulations such as the “Labour Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Labour Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China” to regulate its employment practices. The Company offers equality of remuneration and work, implements special regulations to protect female employees’ rights and interests with no gender discrimination policies and regulation, and there are no circumstance whereby child labour or forced labour is employed. The Company has strengthened the training on knowledge and capability for the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and organised psychological health lectures and psychological counselling to ease the pressure on the employees and increase their capacities for self-adjustment.