Human Resources Development Report

Caring for Employees

In 2011, the Company comprehensively completed the construction of the “Four Smalls”, namely small canteens, small bathrooms, small activity rooms, and small washrooms at the workplace to improve the working and living conditions of the frontline units, easing the concerns that are most direct and practical for frontline employees. By the end of 2011, 8,509 small canteens, 7,748 small bathrooms, 8,514 small activity rooms and 10,589 small washrooms had been built; and another 1,320 small projects such as small flower gardens, small vegetable gardens and small study rooms had been completed.

The Company at all levels and the labour unions vigorously organised care delivery activities during the holidays, as well as during critical production and operational periods and natural disasters, comforting employees at the frontline of production. During the New Year and Lunar New Year, the Company’s leaders were organised into seven survey and visit units and travelled to 11 provinces (including autonomous regions and municipalities) such as Chongqing and Guizhou, and their local branches, county-level and rural branches, visiting and comforting employees in difficulties, employees at the frontline of production, outstanding employees and retired employees. Company-wide, we made a total of 177,000 visits to frontline employees, employees in difficulties, employees affected by disasters and model employees. We visited 10,991 frontline production teams. All provincial branches established special funds to provide timely assistance to employees in difficulty, thus their most immediate difficulties and needs were effectively tackled.

The Company organised various mass cultural and sports activities with “Let’s go, I am healthy, I am happy” as the main theme, satisfying cultural needs of employees. The Company conducted China Telecom’s festival on the promotion of exemplary employees through literary and artistic works and contests to publicise exemplary employees through dances, songs, comedies and other works, expanding the influence and appeal of the exemplary employees among employees.

Strengthening Human Capital

Focusing on our strategic development priorities, the Company continued to strengthen the development of talent teams and actively promoted the improvement of the capability of our operation managers, professionals and skilled personnel.

Developing Leadership Skills

Focusing on the two major themes of the “Three New Roles” (a leader in intelligent pipelines, a provider of integrated platforms, and a participant in content and application development) and scale breakthroughs, the Company stepped up the training for operation managers. In 2011, we organised one research and study session for general managers at the provincial level, four sessions for general managers of local branches, and two sessions for deputy general managers at the provincial level. A total of 550 mid-to-high level managers attended these seminars. At the same time, the Company continued to organise and perfect the advanced leadership courses and its rank of instructions, driving the development of focused courses for mid-to-high level leadership and instructor certification, while promoting learning programmes such as “Transformation Leadership” and “Strategy Decoding” to the local branches’ leadership teams. We continued to hold leadership training courses for district and county-level chiefs and rural branch chiefs and to enhance leadership development for frontline management personnel.

Cultivating Professional Talents

In 2011, an aggregate of 155 face-to-face professional training courses were conducted for 7,750 professionals in aggregate. Targeted at the establishment of teams of talents in the field of network development and construction, we conducted courses in areas of the introduction of “Cloud” computing technology and “Cloud” computing product procurement management. Targeted at establishing our industry applications sales and marketing teams, we launched 13 training programmes, including training courses for industry application development experts for the government and enterprises channel. A total of 650 employees attended the training which basically covered the core services in various key positions of industry application sales and marketing in headquarters and provincial and local branches. We held five overseas professional training courses and organised 100 professionals from product development, channel management, customer service, IT support and industry applications development to attend training at renowned international telecom companies. The Company made full use of China Telecom E-University for distance training, seminars and case knowledge sharing, which created an effective platform for enhancing the Company’s professional capacities.